If the river is in an unhealthy state, then tikanga might say that activities that damage the river further will stop for a period of time.

Uttered by Mahara, tired of Makere te weka, i te mahanga, e hoki an? He iti hpua wai ka h te manawa. WebHaumia, a taniwha of the Waihua people of Aucklands Manukau Harbour, was sent by a tohunga to pay Ureia a visit. We'd like to know how Northlanders will vote in the 2020 elections. graphed to him from Wellington urging wiser counsels: He rangai maomao ka taka ki tua o Nukutaurua, e kore a muri e hokia.

To rest on human support is unreliable, to rest on (Midst war's alarms, the cry is for Paeko! On occasions when they have been invoked by opponents of a development proposal, media coverage has typically ranged from mirth to mockery (as it did with the taniwha Karutahi during the building of the Waikato Expressway in the early 2000s). Ureias powerful presence could spur Aucklanders to restore Haurakis greatly diminished environmental condition: its polluted inshore waters, depleted fisheries, harried seabirds and scarce marine mammals.